There are many fellowship training courses being offered in different states, often affiliated to a regional medical university.
ISPAE’s fellowship accreditation committee brings uniformity to the existing as well as future fellowship programs, and ensure that the curriculum of different training centers meet the established clinical and academic standards.
The Indian Society for Pediatric & Adolescent Endocrinology is pleased to announce Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship training in recognized ISPAE centers. The selection to the Fellowship program is subject to qualification in the ISPAE Fellowship Eligibility Entrance Test (FEET). Eligible candidates would then apply to the recognized centers for the training.
Fellowship details- Two years of training in ISPAE-recognized centers.
Eligibility criteria- Post-MD or DNB in pediatrics with one year of experience.
ISPAE accredited fellowships: (selection via FEET)
Others: (Selection via application to individual center)
Many of these fellowships are approved by and affiliated to the regional medical universities. e.g., IGICH fellowship is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University, CMC Vellore fellowship is affiliated to Dr MGR Medical University.