ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018
ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines: Fasting during Ramadan by young people with diabetes.
Deeb A, Elbarbary N, Smart CE, Beshyah SA, Habeb A, Kalra S, Al Alwan I, Babiker A, Al Amoudi R, Pulungan AB, Humayun K, Issa U, Jalaludin MY, Sanhay R, Akanov Z, Krogvold L, de Beaufort C
Pediatr Diabetes. 2020 Feb;21(1):5-17. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12920. Epub 2019 Oct 28.
ISPAD-LFAC carb counting book for Indian foods

Here is a link to ISPAD-LFAC Carb Counting book. An excellent resource in the medical nutrition therapy of people with Type 1 Diabetes. Click on the link given here, go to “Resources for people with diabetes” section and select “Healthy eating and carbohydrate counting for children and adults with type 1 diabetes. Indian Foods – Edition 1, 2021. ISPAD & Life for a Child. Authors: Sheryl Salis, Anna Pham-Short, Carmel Smart, Cecile Eigenmann, Graham Ogle.” The book can be downloaded, printed and circulated. However individual images cannot be used without permission from Life for a Child, ISPAD and contributors.
Click here to get link